Hoglets joins FRED campaign

Hoglets is very proud to have been invited to join the local FRED campaign.FRED stands for Fathers Reading Every Day.The FRED campaign aims to encourage Fathers to read with their children - through exercises, events, advice and encouragement - and is a wonderful scheme that we wholeheartedly support. Father's Story Week said:

[icon icon=icon-quote-left size=14px color=#000 ]FRED in the US has been shown to improve children’s reading accuracy, comprehension and rate of reading; their writing; and their behaviour. It can also improve attainment in maths – and acts as a great ‘way in’ to establishing wider engagement with fathers. Although FRED is a four week programme we expect it to instil new reading habits that can last the child’s primary school life.[icon icon=icon-quote-right size=14px color=#000 ]

Hoglets will be running storytelling classes in York for Dads and their little ones, providing them with fun tips and techniques for bringing storytime to life.Please check out our class calendar to see what's coming up near you.[btn text="Upcoming classes" tcolor=#FFF link="http://hoglets.org.uk/upcoming-workshops/"]If you have any more questions about FRED then drop us a line.

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